
Joma Regate Rebound 2576 RRES2576IN*

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  • Regular price €96.99
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Futsal shoes. Model with cutting-edge technology and developed especially for professional futsal. Players like Drahovsky and Douglas get the most out of them in international leagues. 

Upper mostly made of breathable mesh thanks to the perforations of the VTS system. Incorporates thermosealed adjustment system JOMA SPORTECH, along with the same material protecting the front part (PROTECTION technology). 

REACTIVE BALL technology midsole at the bottom, a material capable of effectively cushioning to soften every abrupt movement. Upper part made of high-density phylon for greater stability. 

High-quality rubber DURABILITY outsole with resistance to abrasion. Very flexible adapting to every foot movement. Adheres to indoor surfaces without leaving marks on the court.


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